Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Definiton of Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing

What is Endocrinology?

Endocrinology came from the Greek words  ἔνδον or endo meaning "within" , κρῑνω or krino meaning "to separate" and -λογία or logia. It deals with the study of the endocrine system.

The endocrine system is composed of hormone producing glands found in different parts of the body and these are responsible in the action some basic functions of the body. Hormones have different mode of action to the body. Regulation of these hormones should be properly maintained. It is a dangerous if there are too much or too less hormones working properly.
There are different parts/glands in the body that are capable of producing hormones. These are as follows:

Endocrinologists are the one who specializes the endocrine system. They are the one that should be consulted if there are any problems regarding the system.

a. Pituitary gland, it secretes hormones that stimulates the adrenals, thyroid, gonads and pigment skin cells.
b. Pancreas - secretes insulin and glucagon for the absorption of glucose.
c. Hypothalamus - supress the release of hormones in pituitary glands.
d. Adrenal cortex - secretes hydrocortisone, androgen, aldosterone for metabolism, blood pressure and saline balance.
e. Thyroid gland - secretes hormone like thyroxine, triiodothyronine and calcitonin that are responsible in metabolism, body heat and bone growth.
f. Gonads - these are the reproductive glands. Testes for male and ovaries for female. The testes of male secretes the hormone testosterone while the ovaries secretes estrogen and progesterone. 
g. Parathyroid glands - mainly affects the calcium level in the blood; secretes parathyroid hormone.

What is Toxicology?

Last semester of our class, we did study about toxicology. It has something to do with the study  of interactions of different chemicals in the body. From the word it self, it may deal with toxic effect of chemicals on the body and in relation, it has something to do with the development and regulatiuon of food additive especially those that are using hazardous 
chemicals. Adverse effects of toxic chemicals are also observed and studied.

Toxicologist are the one who specializes on toxicology. The y investigate and explore how chemicals interact with biological systems by focusing on the adverse effects and outcomes caused by such interactions. Toxic chemicals may be referred to as either toxins. These chemicals are produced by the living systems such as plants and animals. Othe toxic chemicals are called toxicants. It serves as the 
remainder of the toxic chemicals.

The toxicity of  chemical depends upon its movement through the body to the target site or what we called toxicokinetics, the ability to interact with the body to cause harm or toxicodynamics and the dose the body receives or exposure level. It says that both the kinetics and dynamics depend is dependent on biochemical status of the organism such as enzyme levels around the time of exposure, nutritional status, or even stress levels.

What is drug testing?

Drug testing is a way to evaluate the type and possibly the amount of legal or illegal drugs taken by a person. It is not routinely done but some companies requires this test for their employees for security check.

Drug testing can be performed usually through urinalysis or from blood samples, but it can also be checked from small samples taken of your fingernails, saliva or hair. 

Particular amount is taken from the patient for analysis. There are cases that a nurse of medical staff will be guiding the patient to make sure that the sample did indeed come from you. This is specially done to patients who are needed with urine samples.

Drug testing is extremely accurate and reliable when all aspects of the testing process are done properly. There are reasons why this test is requested but in general it is used to check for illegal drug use by employees (before an offer of employment is made and randomly at any time after hire). A drug test can also be used to evaluate possible accidental or intentional overdose or poisonings, to monitor compliance with a drug rehabilitation program, and to determine the presence or absence of drugs for medical and or legal purposes.

Detection of other drugs and alcohols are tested. Commonly tested for chemicals are cocaine, amphetamines and heroin. 
